Digit Insurances releases 11th Transparency Report
FinTech BizNews Service
Mumbai, 29 November, 2024: Go Digit General Insurance Limited (Digit Insurance), one of India’s leading new-age insurance companies, on Friday released the 11th edition of the Transparency Report.
Titled "Breaking the Doubt Cycle: Creating Moments of Delight in Insurance", the report shares insights around various turnaround times, approval times and claim settlement timelines around health insurance, motor insurance, home insurance and travel insurance. The report also disclosed various customer-centric turnaround times pertaining to customer-care resolution, social media response time, among others.
The report measures various “doubt” factors that customers experience during their insurance journey and showcases how Digit in contrast strives to create “delightful” experiences for the customers. As part of its core value of "Being Transparent", Transparency Report is Digit's bi-annual exercise where it goes beyond mandatory disclosures and shares various data-led insights and stories to its customers, partners and all other stakeholders.
The report cotains data and details about:
Our key financials for H1FY25 Buying Insurance Made Easy! KYC Process as Simple as ABC! Our Claims Settlement Ratios Across LOBs Claim Payments Made On Time
Largest Claims Settled in H1FY25 Swift Call Resolutions Offered Social Media First Level Response (FLR) Our Growth Numbers for H1FY25