Consumption Expenditure: Rural Rs3773; Urban Rs6459

Among the states, MPCE is the highest in Sikkim (Rural – Rs. 7,787 and Urban – Rs12,125) and it is the lowest in Chhattisgarh (Rural – Rs. 2,575, Urban – Rs. 4,557)

FinTech BizNews Service 

Mumbai, June 8, 2024: The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) has been conducting household surveys on consumption/consumer expenditure at regular intervals as part of its rounds once in every five years. This factsheet is based on data collected in HCES: 2022-23.

Questionnaires for the survey 

The consumption basket of items has been divided into three broad categories, namely, (i) Food items, (ii) Consumables and Services items, and (iii) Durable goods in HCES: 2022-23. Thereafter, three separate questionnaires, namely, Questionnaire: FDQ, Questionnaire: CSQ and Questionnaire: DGQ covering the three categories have been designed and canvassed in the selected households in three separate monthly visits in a quarter. Another questionnaire, viz., Questionnaire: HCQ has been used to collect information on household characteristics and demographic particulars of the members of the households.

Average MPCE: All-India

The summary of level of household consumption expenditure, as measured by Monthly Per Capita Consumption Expenditure (MPCE) during 2022-23 are presented here. 

Average estimated MPCE in 2022-23 has been Rs. 3,773 in rural India and Rs. 6,459 in urban India. The bottom 5% of India’s rural population, ranked by MPCE, has an average MPCE of Rs. 1,373 while it is Rs. 2,001 for the same category of population in the urban areas. The top 5% of India’s rural and urban population, ranked by MPCE, has an average MPCE of Rs. 10,501 and Rs. 20,824, respectively.

Among the states, MPCE is the highest in Sikkim for both rural and urban areas (Rural – Rs. 7,731 and Urban – Rs. 12,105). It is the lowest in Chhattisgarh (Rural – Rs. 2,466 and Urban – Rs. 4,483). The rural-urban difference in average MPCE, among the states is the highest in Meghalaya (83%) followed by Chhattisgarh (82%). Among the UTs, MPCE is the highest in Chandigarh (Rural – Rs. 7,467 and Urban – Rs. 12,575), whereas, it is the lowest in Ladakh (Rs. 4,035) and Lakshadweep (Rs. 5,475) for rural and urban areas respectively.

Trend in level of consumption (average MPCE): 

All-India statement below shows a comparison of the estimates of all-India average MPCE from the last four quinquennial surveys of consumption expenditure and HCES: 2022-23.

Trend in share of consumption of cereals and food items in average MPCE: 

All-India The statement shows the percentage share of ‘cereals’ and ‘all food items together’ in average MPCE at all-India level since 1999-00.

Absolute and percentage break-up of MPCE by item groups in 2022-23: 

All-India statement shows the average MPCE and percentage break-up of MPCE by the item groups at all-India level.

Average MPCE: All-India 

Average estimated MPCE with imputed values of free items in 2022-23 has been Rs. 3,860 and Rs. 6,521, respectively in rural and urban India.

The bottom 5% of India’s rural population, ranked by MPCE, has an average MPCE of Rs1,441 while it is Rs2,087 in the urban areas. The top 5% of India’s rural and urban population, ranked by MPCE, has an average MPCE of Rs10,581 and Rs20,846, respectively. Among the states, MPCE is the highest in Sikkim (Rural – Rs. 7,787 and Urban – Rs12,125) and it is the lowest in Chhattisgarh (Rural – Rs. 2,575, Urban – Rs. 4,557). The rural-urban difference in average MPCE among the states is the highest in Meghalaya (83%) followed by Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand (77%).

Among the UTs, MPCE is the highest in Chandigarh (Rural – Rs. 7,467 and Urban – Rs. 12,577), whereas, it is the lowest in Ladakh (Rs. 4,062) and Lakshadweep (Rs. 5,511) for rural and urban areas, respectively.


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