FIs Would Need Governance Structures To Oversee Lifecycle Of AI Systems

AI models drastically change the process as they are able to learn the rules and alter model parameterisation iteratively. This aspect makes many AI models a black box which are difficult to decode for audit and supervisory review.

M. Rajeshwar Rao, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India

FinTech BizNews Service

Mumbai, January 1, 2024: (Remarks delivered virtually by M. Rajeshwar Rao,

Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India – December 22, 2023 at the 106th Annual

Conference of Indian Economic Association in Delhi. Topic: Innovations in Banking -

The emerging role for Technology and AI. The text of the speech, released by the

RBI on 1-1-24):

In my address, I would largely focus on RBI’s efforts to foster innovation in financial

ecosystem and how the emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence are

likely to reshape the financial landscape.

The banks have played an extremely important role in supporting the growth story of

the Indian economy. If we were to analyze the evolution of Indian banking sector

over the last 5 decades, we can classify this evolution in three distinct phases – post

nationalization, liberalization, and the third and current phase which we could term

as democratization.

The level of financial intermediation at the time of independence was quite low in

India – ranging below 10 per cent of the GDP. This was, more or less, the case over

the next two decades or so. With limited financialisation and outreach of banking

services, the scope to mobilise deposits, facilitate credit flow, and support the

aspirations of a developing nation was constrained. But this trend changed with the

nationalisation of banks which ensured wider banking reach. This led to opening of

bank branches across the country resulting in greater mobilisation of deposits and

growth in credit, primarily for catering to the credit needs of priority sectors.

The second distinctive phase in the evolution of the banking sector was observed

during post-liberalisation phase (from 1991) till about 2003-04. During this period,

financial intermediation was fundamentally transformed as globalisation and

integration opened up various growth opportunities leading to increase in demand for

credit. Also, in tune with the spirit of economic reforms, private entities were allowed

to enter banking sector, and they supplemented the collective endeavour of banking

industry to support the growth story. Economic growth aided by institutional and

other attendant reforms along with greater technological adoption in the banking

sector spurred a robust growth in both deposit and credit during this period.

While the first two events (namely nationalisation and liberalisation) are definitive in

nature, i.e., we can attribute definite time stamps for these events, the third phase –

democratization of banking services, which we are currently experiencing, is

continuing as a gradual but transformative process, the pace of which has

accelerated over the last few years. This democratisation phase has coagulated of

late, underpinned by the trinity of financial inclusion, increase in financial literacy, and

focus on consumer protection. This phase has also witnessed massive expansion of

banking outreach, especially amongst the hitherto “excluded” sections through

innovative delivery models such as the use of banking correspondents. This

democratisation of financial services got a major push through Pradhan Mantri Jan

Dhan Yojana and direct benefit transfer (DBT) scheme along with proliferation of

mobile and telecom services. I would not be off the mark when I say that that this

phase has been a perfect combination of demand-pull and supply-push models

working in tandem. Today, we are witnessing the unfolding of true democratisation of

financial services where customers are greatly enabled to make informed choices

among the suit of available financial products offered by banks and other financial

service providers.

While we are discussing the role of banks in India’s economic journey, let’s not lose

sight of the contribution and the increasing importance of other financial

intermediaries. Although bank credit remains the dominant mode for meeting the

growing credit needs of commercial and household sectors, the share of non-bank

financial companies, micro-finance institutions and of late, market instruments has

also been increasing. Non-banks, through their innovative delivery and appraisal

methods, have further expanded the penetration of credit across the geographical

length and breadth of the country. They have, along with banks, contributed

immensely to this journey of democratisation of financial services.

India has made remarkable progress over the years to become the fifth largest

economy today. It is also poised to become the third largest economy over the next

few years and have the aspiration of becoming a developed nation by 2047. Reserve

Bank too has played a crucial role in unfolding of this growth story. We are one of the

very few central banks around the world which has been entrusted with a

developmental mandate along with traditional central banking functions.

For the next phase of development of our financial architecture to support the

aspirational growth of a rapidly growing economy, the RBI is creating world class

financial infrastructure. Let me cite a few examples. Today, India has one of the most

advanced state-of-the-art payments system that is affordable, accessible,

convenient, fast, safe and secure. Our payment infrastructure caters to the needs of

a diverse group of consumers and offers a wide array of options for executing all

types of transactions. This has led to a revolution in banking and financial services

making the banking truly ‘anytime, anywhere’. Everyone is aware of the success of

UPI and the convenience it offers. UPI symbolises the ultimate democratisation of a

financial product which is available to everyone including to customers who may not

have smartphones as well as for undertaking offline transactions. To put things in

perspective, during the FY 2022-23, UPI facilitated about 83 billion transactions with

approximate value of Rs140 trillion. This is roughly 43% of total value of retail

payment transactions.

Another technological initiative where the RBI has emerged as a leader is the

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). We were one of the few major economies to

launch CBDCs when we launched pilot phases of wholesale and retail CBDC in

October and November 2022, respectively. Apart from its own initiatives, the RBI has

facilitated technological innovations in banking, non-banking, payment systems and

financial markets space. With its commitment to technology-led innovations, the RBI

has set-up the Reserve Bank Innovation Hub (RBIH) to accelerate innovation across

the spectrum of financial services. In addition, the RBI has also instituted a

regulatory sandbox to provide a platform for startups, fintech’s and other entities to

test and experiment with new products in a controlled environment.

Discussions about emerging technologies offers an opportunity to dwell a bit on how

the financial industry would need to interact with the newer technologies and the

breakthroughs in areas such as artificial intelligence.

At different points of time, there have been breakthroughs which have redefined the

future evolution of human societies such as the invention of the wheel, the steam

engine, development of vaccines, the computer, and more recently internet and

mobile phones. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence or AI as it is commonly

known, is also being cited as being in the same league and proponents of AI sound

convinced that it is going to transform the future. I am no expert on technology and

my focus is limited to understanding its implications for the economy and the

financial sector. Therefore, let me share a few thoughts on the adoption of AI by the

banking and financial services sector and risks and rewards that this may entail.

As I understand, AI models can be placed in two categories – the first set is the

traditional AI models while the second is categorised as generative AI or GenAI. The

differentiation between the two is based on their capabilities and applications. Most

of the AI models currently available are in the form of traditional AI and have been

designed to perform a particular task or set of tasks by responding to a set of inputs

or instructions. Traditional AI models can also learn and identify patterns from the

available data set and can make predictions based on the available data. However,

they can only respond within the pre-defined boundaries and follow specific pre-set


The development of GenAI – a type of AI technology that can produce various types

of content, including text, imagery, audio and synthetic data – has garnered a very

strong interest about its potential economic impact. It is said that the GenAI

possesses general intelligence and cognitive abilities comparable to those of a

human being. It is not confined to a specific set of tasks but can adapt and learn in

various domains, demonstrating a level of autonomy, reasoning, and problem-solving


Current estimates on AI’s boost to productivity and economic growth are substantial

but highly uncertain. Academic research suggests that workers in early AI-adopting

firms experience higher labour productivity growth; most estimates imply around a

2–3 percentage point increase per year. One estimate by Goldman Sachs suggests

that generative AI could, ceteris paribus, boost global GDP by about 7 percentage

points over a 10-year period.

In the financial sector, we are seeing several banks and non-banks experimenting

with AI. Global experience, so far, however, suggests that such deployment is mostly

limited to back-office work and optimisation of business processes to deliver

efficiency gains. Some of the banks have also deployed AI solution to manage

compliance requirements which are routine in nature, for identification of patterns in

transactions or payment to detect money laundering attempts or for facilitating cross-

border transactions and settlements. Some entities have also reported to deploy AI

solutions in customer facing processes such as for making lending decisions or

identification of target customer segments.

Given its transformative nature and potential, if realised, generative AI could have a

deep impact, on productivity, jobs and income distribution. The advocates of AI

expect widespread benefits for the economy and society, including increase in

income levels, automation of repetitive tasks and obtaining better insights by

combining different sets of information and data which may be otherwise difficult for

human processing. There are others who are more sceptical and point to several

societal consequences, including increased unemployment. They also point out that

if the long-term benefits are largely benign, the reallocation of resources and labour

in the transition could be challenging. We have also seen these concerns being

expressed in India with reference to IT sector, but the debate is ongoing and is

unlikely to be settled in near future.

Let me however flag a few concerns and also elucidate our expectations from the

financial institutions deploying AI in their business processes and decision making.

While some of these concerns are design specific risks such as biases and

robustness issues, others are more traditional and user specific such as data

privacy, cybersecurity, consumer protection and preserving financial stability. These

issues could be placed into three broad categories – data bias and robustness,

governance and transparency.

Data Bias and Robustness

AI is as good as a data on which it has been trained and thus inherits the issues,

biases and errors in its training data. Human beings accumulate such training data

over a lifetime of exposures, experiences, evidences, and upbringing. That makes us

capable of coming to different conclusion based on the same data set. Further,

humans can collaborate, combine and brainstorm to reach at an optimal solution.

This is not to say that humans are free of biases, but we have embedded checks and

balances in the institutional decision-making framework to check and prevent them.

Whereas traditional financial models are usually rules-based with explicit fixed

parameterisation, AI models drastically change the process as they are able to learn

the rules and alter model parameterisation iteratively. This aspect makes many AI

models a black box which are difficult to decode for audit and supervisory review.

Besides, there are several risks and vulnerabilities such as arbitrary code execution,

data poisoning, data drift, unexpected behaviour, and bias predictions.

A vulnerability where an attacker can inject and execute unauthorized code within an

AI/ML model, potentially leading to malicious actions and compromising system

integrity. The manipulation of training data with malicious intent to influence the

performance of an AI/ML model, causing it to make incorrect predictions or exhibit

biased behaviour.

The phenomenon where the statistical properties of the input data for an AI/ML

model change over time, potentially causing a decline in performance as the model

may become less accurate or reliable. An undesirable and unpredictable response or

output from an AI/ML model, often occurring in situations outside its training data

distribution or due to unanticipated inputs.

The manifestation of unfair or discriminatory behaviour in an AI/ML model's

predictions, influenced by biased training data or the algorithm itself, leading to

unequal treatment of different groups, which financial institution need to be careful

about while deploying AI models.


AI may also pose some novel challenges for governance, especially where the

technology is used to facilitate autonomous decision-making and may limit or even

potentially eliminate human judgement and oversight. Some of the data and model

issues such as prompt injection, hallucinations and toxic output can also have

implications for governance frameworks, especially in financial institutions. This may

necessitate that regulators and the management have a re-look at the frameworks

for consumer protection, cybersecurity and data privacy.

Some suggestions have been made to overcome governance issues including the

option of ‘putting a human in the loop’ to help build trust in the AI driven systems.

Financial institutions would therefore need to institute governance structures that

oversee the entire lifecycle of AI systems, specially the GenAI - from data acquisition

to model training and continuous evaluation. Regular audits and assessments would

also be essential to verify the fairness, accountability, and compliance of AI

applications with extant laws and regulatory standards.


The AI models are inherently complex and opaque requiring extra caution to ensure

accountability. For this reason, financial institutions may find it difficult to explain an

adverse or biased decision outcome from an AI model to customer or supervisors.

The self-learning capability may make the model discriminatory and induce behavioural biases after some 

time. For example, an algorithm may predict gender of potential target customer from

shopping history of a person or ethnicity from location data. How do institutions

overcome these challenges in a transparent manner is the key to widespread

adoption and use of AI.

In this context, let me outline ten aspects, which financial institutions looking to

deploy AI based models, may consider while designing AI solutions in order to strike

a balance between innovation and responsible use of technology; to ensure fairness,

prevent biases, and safeguard consumer privacy. These are:

i) Fairness: It should be ensured that the algorithm does not discriminate

against anyone based on attributes which are otherwise considered

unethical or prohibited by law. This can be achieved by conducting regular

fairness audits of the algorithms and outcomes including external

validation and by employing techniques to identify and rectify any

unintended biases.

ii) Transparency: All stakeholders should be aware about what are the

inputs and how the decisions are being arrived at. This should be achieved

by making the algorithmic decision-making process understandable and

explainable to both regulators and consumers.

iii) Accuracy: The entities deploying AI should strive for accurate and

appropriate training data to minimize errors in decision making. Identifying

and understanding the types of errors the AI models make and

continuously work to minimize false positives and negatives is the key.

iv) Consistency: The entities should ensure consistent application of the

algorithm across different situations to avoid biases or unfair advantages

and to ensure equitable outcomes. Parameters entering the models also

11 need to be consistent and too frequent changes to suit specific interests

need to be eschewed.

v) Data Privacy: In today’s digitized world, adhering to data protection

regulations and ensuring that personal information is handled securely and

responsibly is of utmost importance. Therefore, AI model should be

designed to adhere to data protection protocols and regulations and

entities should ensure that personal information is always handled

securely and responsibly.

vi) Explainability: The entities shall be able to provide clear explanations

for the factors influencing decisions or output to enhance transparency and

build trust in AI models. Clear understanding of the inputs, processes and

output by the entities and establishing channels for redressal of customer

queries or disputes will help in promoting trust.

vii) Accountability: Clear lines of accountability for the outcomes of

algorithmic decisions shall be ensured by making it clear who is

responsible for the performance, robustness and fairness of the model.

Entities should implement a comprehensive governance framework that

includes regular audits, internal reviews, and external assessments to hold

individuals responsible for addressing any issues related to the AI model.

viii) Robustness: The entities must undertake rigorous validation and

testing to ensure that the algorithm performs well under different

conditions and is not overly sensitive to minor changes in input data.

Regularly updating the model's training data to include a broad spectrum

of conditions, ensuring adaptability to changes in the economic landscape

and maintaining robust performance over time is also critical.

ix) Monitoring and Updating: Regularly monitoring the performance of AI

engines and updating them as may be required to adapt to changing

market conditions and emerging risks may have to be ensured. Also, 12

monitoring the evolution of self-learning algorithms is critical to ensure that

they continue to perform as envisaged originally.

x) Human Oversight: The entities should include human oversight to

address complex or ambiguous cases and to ensure that ethical

considerations are taken into account. This would also ensure that any

unintended consequences and governance issues are detected in a timely

manner and addressed. 24. I think that incorporating these aspects would

help in developing the public trust if we truly want to exploit the

transformative potential of AI. Let me also point out that in addition to

institution specific challenges, there are several geopolitical and systemic

issues which would also engage us going forward. For example, like any

other technological development of the past, the access of technology is

going to be uneven among countries. Advanced economies (AEs) may

stand to benefit more than emerging market economies (EMEs) due to the

fact that EMEs’ have higher share of employment in sectors such as

agriculture and construction which would inherently have less

opportunities for application of AI.

In addition to the above, there are only a handful of entities globally which have

the large amount of data available to train GenAI models. This could give rise to

the questions of market power, competition and cross jurisdictional issues.

To conclude, let me say that as our banking sector evolves, emerging

technologies and AI will play a significant role in the process. We need to ensure

a supportive regulatory framework to harness its benefits while being mindful of

any potential adverse impacts and therefore robust governance arrangements

and clear accountability frameworks are important when AI models are deployed

in high-value decision-making use cases. Development and deployment of AI

models need close human supervision commensurate with the risks that could

materialize from employing the technology by the financial institutions.

As the adoption of AI is increasing, global efforts to develop regulatory

frameworks to help guide the use of AI applications, are also increasing and

greater cooperation in this process would be required. Our collective endeavour

should be to embrace this evolution with mindfulness and a sense of

responsibility, while committing to a future where technology serves as an

enabler for the society at large.

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