RBI aims to ensure efficient and optimum utilisation of the AA ecosystem
FinTech BizNews Service
Mumbai, 26 October, 2023: It has been observed by the RBI that certain entities, which are eligible to join Account Aggregator (AA) ecosystem as Financial Information Provider (FIP), have onboarded as Financial Information User (FI-U) only. Consequently, such entities are accessing financial information from other FIPs but are not providing the financial information held by them. As such, with a view to ensure efficient and optimum utilisation of the AA ecosystem, it has been decided that regulated entities (REs) of the Bank joining the AA ecosystem as FI-U shall necessarily join as FIP also, if they hold the specified financial information and fall under the definition of FIP.
The Master Direction – Non-Banking Financial Company - Account Aggregator (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016, is being modified accordingly by the RBI.