NBFC Industry Sanctions Grew By 12% For Q1 FY25

Growth was robust in Auto loans, home loans, personal loans, gold loans, property loans and unsecured business loans.

FinTech BizNews Service 

Mumbai, 2 October, 2024: The Finance Industry Development Council (FIDC) has today released FIDC-CRIF data on NBFC sanctions for Q1 FY 25.

Overall, the industry sanctions grew by 12% which is a healthy growth compared to the prior quarters, according to Mahesh Thakkar, Director General, FIDC 

  • Growth was robust in Auto loans, home loans, personal loans, gold loans, property loans and unsecured business loans. 
  • Construction equipment loans showed a negative growth trend. 
  • By and large, most of the significant categories showed positive growth YOY which is encouraging. 
  • Of course, given the seasonality of business, QOQ growth compared to Q4 last year is negative.



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